Thursday, October 2, 2008

Effective acne face wash

« ...Often time's acne is associated with not being clean and when you think other people think that, it makes you feel bad about yourself. You know how often you shower and wash your face, but other people don't. You don't want to have to explain yourself to others all the time, so rather than do that, you just avoid people altogether....
...It is also found that a diet that contains a moderate amount of zinc can help to reduce the effects of acne in the body. Zinc helps to keep the skin clear. Some foods that are very high in zinc are proteins, dark meats contain higher zinc contents then white meat, also peanuts and beans contain zinc. Zinc can also be taken in 50 mg tabs for as long as you need, and reduced as the acne subsides....»
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«...You can also steam your face and use herbs like rosemary and peppermint. These particular herbs work wonderfully on the skin when used in conjunction with the steaming process....»
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tags: bad pregnancy acne, acne scars home remedies, which hormones cause pregnancy acne

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